Sunday, November 23, 2008


I guess I've been doing a lot of snoozing lately. Lot's been happening, though. Should probably be posting more. Will get right on that...right after chasing these damn squirrels.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sorry for the Long Delay

I know it's been a while since my last post, but rest assured, I am back with a vengeance. Here's a quick photo of what I've been up to lately.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My First Post

Blogging is fun, even for hound dogs. My name is Calvin and I am nearly 30 years old (by our calendar). I have to get going -- to chase small furry animals and bark at birds that choose to fly over my backyard -- so this post will have to be short. Come check out the 3rd Annual Longbaugh Film Festival this weekend (if you're in the Portland area) -- I'm staring in my first film in the Comcast Short Film Challenge program, which shows Sunday morning at 11:45/noon or so. It's called 'What do you want, Portland?' and was written and directed by my friend Robert. Hopefully he will place or even win the grand prize. (I am amazing in it, by the way.) Okay, that's it for now.

Oh, one last thing. A prediction. In the coming weeks Tina Fey, co-head writer of SNL and co-anchor of Weekend Update, will announce that she and her "husband" are pregnant. (That's all I should say for now.)

Go North Carolina! I just know you're going all the way this year!